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Peach Crisp


Prep time:                           15 minutes

Cooking time:                 35 minutes

Yields:                                      4 people



1 lb fresh peaches (4-6 peaches)
4 tsp sweet potato starch
1 tsp fresh ginger, grated
1/2 tsp vanilla

1 1/4 cup rolled oats
2 T sweet potato starch

3 Medjool dates

1/3 cup soy milk

1/2 tsp fresh ginger, grated

1/2 tsp vanilla



Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Slice peaches and place in a 6x8 or 5 cup Pyrex dish. Add sweet potato starch, ginger, and vanilla. Using a spoon, mix all ingredients together and smooth to create an even layer. In a blender blend pitted Medjool dates and soy milk to a paste. Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well to combine. Spoon the topping over the peach filling. Place in the center of the oven and bake for 35 min or until bubbly. Let cool for 30-45 minutes and serve.


This dessert highlights the graceful flavor of juicy summer peaches with subtle notes of ginger and vanilla with very little added sweetness.


I use sweet potato starch in this recipe because it is a light, non-GMO thickener, with a hint of sweetness that holds up to extended high heat exposure without breaking down. It also has a low glycemic index so it keeps the dessert light with no sugar crash afterwards. The final texture of sweet potato starch resembles a delicate jelly that melts on your tongue.

Where to buy sweet potato starch; everything can be found on Amazon but you can also support your local business and purchase it in an Asian market. It will be located with tapioca starch, potato starch, flour, and other goods in the baking isle.

Sweet potato starch substitutes:

Cornstarch will be just as light but beware corn is one of the most popular GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) crops on the market.

Flour holds up well to extended high heat also but it tends to have a much heavier mouth feel and processed flour has a high glycemic index.

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